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Rinse-out conditioner – how much is wasted?


Nobody knows how much conditioner is actually on your hair!


The objective of shampoo is to wash away dirt and excess oils. But the objective of conditioner is to deposit ingredients onto our hair to make it smooth, shiny and easy to manage. There is really no reason to wash away those ingredients. If we can have a non-rinse-out option such that all the ingredients are used, it would be good for our earth without compromising our hair! ShamLulu is advocating any modes of conditioner which are NOT rinse away.

洗髮水的目的是洗去污垢和多餘的油脂。但護髮素的目的是將護髮成分沉積在我們的頭髮上,使其光滑、有光澤且易於打理。真的沒有理由洗掉這些成分。如果我們可以有一個免沖洗的選擇,這樣所有的成分都會被使用了,那癢將對我們的地球有好處,而又不會影響我們的頭髮! ShamLulu 提倡任何不需沖洗掉的護髮素模式。


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