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  • When did I need to use the tablet?
    The tables when keep in cool-dry place, it is good for 12 months. After dissolving into liquid shampoo, it can lasts for 6 months.
  • I can mix any combination of tablets as I wish to make my shampoo
    Yes, you can any combination of tablets depending on your hair condition. For example, if you are going through a very dry winter, you might want to add in more coconut milk tablets. While if your hair feels oily, you can use lemon tablet in your shampoo.
  • Are all ingredients natural?
    We tried our best to minimize the un-natural ingredients in our tablets. The current formula allows you to cleanse your hair but also enjoy the natural hair to condition your scalp.
  • Can I mix different herbal tablets in my shampoo?
    Yes, it is the intention of our products. Each individual is different and know his/her hair the best. You can tailor your own shampoo formula to your required constantly to suit the change in conditions of your scalp and hair.
  • How is it different from normal shampoo?
    On the cleansing aspects, Shamlulu is similar to other shampoo, just that there is much less chemical ingredients. Yet, Shamlulu allows you to mix different herbal ingredients to cater for your own hair condition. You are the only one who knows your hair the best!
  • Should I use conditioner after ShamLuLu shampoo?
    ShamLuLu is not intended to replace the function of conditioner. However, just like children, our natural hair state theoretically do not need to apply conditioner. Through retoring the natural state of our scalp and hair, your hair shoudl feel more natural and soft, This will minimize the need for conditioner. This is the case for a number of our trial users.
  • Is it better to use the herbal extract as in tradition shampoo or the herbal powder as used in your shampoo tablets?
    Herbal extract are derived from processing the herbs to "take out" certain substances. We believe that if the herb as a whole is directly benefitial to the skin, scalp and hair, we should use the herb in its original and natural state to maximize it benefits and be more natrual.
  • Is your shampoo no-POO?
    Yes, we did not use any sulphate based surfactants in our shampoo. The surfactant used are mild and are often used in baby shampoos.
  • Can I made the shampoo using cold water? Do I need to wait for the whole night before use?
    It is ok to use cold water. Herbal infustion would be more optimal if hot water is used. Overnight soak is needed to dissolved the tablets into gel.
  • After following your instruction to dissolve the tablet, I still see some white powder inside, is that ok?"
    Depending on how well you mix your tablet, some white residuals might still remain in the liquid shampoo, which is alright. These white residuals would dissolve when you wash your hair.
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